Sunday, 20 April 2014

The Shire does not speak for all

Does the shire needs to reconsider its relationship with the Horgan Family.

The recent full page advertisments, over more than one week, congratulating the Horgan family on their achievements back in 1985 were bordering on the obscene. 

In 1985 John Horgan was appointed to a scam job, $800,000K pa, supposedly heading up Brian Burke's West Australian DC, which was just a way of creaming off loads of tax payers money to their own enterprises.

Denis Horgan had been involved in the bottom-of-the-harbour schemes that enabled him to benefit from avoiding paying tax. Hardly a good role model.

The advertisments by our shire claimed to be expressing thanks from the whole community. I do not give thanks for the Leeuwin Estate, or the Horgan family, or any other scammers who made their money by means that, while legal, are totally devoid of any moral or ethical considerations. 

For those suffering from memory loss here's a reminder of the problems we can encounter when democracy is allowed to be pushed aside for commercial expediency;

And does the shire offer any financial or in-kind support for the Gourmet Escape? 

Does the fabulous Leeuwin Estate venture that receives funding through state government also receive any assistance at all through our local authority?

Will the Gourmet Escape, maybe even Eventscorp itself, be another WADC or Firepower/Austrade debacle when it eventually gets exposed? The auditor general is keeping it under the 'cloak of commercial confidentiality' (a phrase used by the Royal Commision when they reported on how WA Inc had got away with their scams for so long) but the Gourmet Escape cannot fool all the people all the time.

Nor can the shire.

1 comment:

  1. The shire represents the people and you're just jealous because the Horgans know how to work the system legally to make money while you know nothing
