Here's an interesting story, and there might possibly be some shreds of similarity with events at this shire. A CEO who is reluctant to explain himself to the ratepayers. Financial information that is difficult, and in some cases just impossible to obtain. And unpleasant communications with individual residents who express concern or ask questions the authority figures don't want to answer.
The CEO of York shire resigned unexpectedly.
Was this as the result of the diligent councillors scrutinizing his accounts and asking him to explain his spending?
It was as a result of a persistent local man who just did not give up when he felt something was needing an explanation. Eventually his FOI application led him to a problem and rather than stay and give clear explanations the CEO chose to leave.
The councillors who had done nothing until this time have now decided to implement some controls. Not that anyone is admitting anything - yet. The problem we seem to keep tripping over is the inability for many people to understand the difference between wanting to know what is happening, where our money is being spent, who spends it, what for, etc. and accusing people of not spending our money wisely.
Well done York councillors, you may be a little late in putting controls in place but better late than never, and I hope you will deem it appropriate to offer some thanks to the local man who brought this matter to your attention.
Sending a nasty letter to a concerned resident is something I'm sure would never happen in this shire, but I have had a horrible telephone call, telling me I have a mental condition and so maybe I shouldn't be so confident! The nasty letter could be in the post, although based on performance at answering correspondence it most probably won't arrive for another six or seven months.
How many of you have tried to access the accounts each month?
Is it a deliberate decision to used scanned image files rather than a format that would allow us to search and sort?
Have a look for the last couple of months payments and let me know how easy you find it.
Remember, nobody hates anyone on this blog.
If anyone accuses me of a campaign it is a campaign for more open local government, clarity of accounts, and most important real accountability from those we pay to manage our civic affairs.