Friday, 28 February 2014

PUSH and PULL communications

Some people might be critical of my blogging, asking why do I keep on writing, don't I realise that the community are sick and tired of reading my constant carping and "shire bashing", but other readers are either indifferent or encouraging.

Monday, 24 February 2014

Storm in a Teacup – Part Two

I have been reading the agenda for tomorrow’s Council meeting and have a few things puzzling me – one of them concerns the consultant Anne Lake

Friday, 21 February 2014

Creating Communities

Creating communities what does that mean? It sounds so cosy, comfy, warm and snugly, but is it a wolf in sheep’s clothing?

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Housing Need?

When does a particular location need more housing?
When the next generation are ready to launch into independent living?
When employers are expanding their businesses and need to bring more workers into the area?
How would you decide?
How does our shire decide? Or do they seek advice from local experts?
It would be good to know if Bob's been giving advice here.